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DIY an ISpy Bottle to Strengthen Visual Skills

Not sure what to do when the weather keeps your kids inside? Tired of the same old games? Have a lot of random objects from old board games or craft supplies that you aren't sure what to do with? Make an ISpy Bottle! Not only is this a fun and portable game, but it also works on a variety of visual processing skills including visual attention, visual memory, sequential memory, matching and visual discrimination.

ISpy Bottle photo collage

Suggested Materials:

  • Water bottle or some type of clear container (soda, orange juice, apple juice containers)
  • Dry rice, dry small pasta, dry beans or sand (any kind of filler for the container)
  • Duct tape or glue to seal the lid
  • Paper and pen to write down the objects you put into the bottle or pictures of those objects so that you can make sure you find everything you’ve included!
    • You can have your child create the list of items to work on handwriting
    • You can have your child tape the list of items to the bottle or cut out pictures you took of the items to work on bilateral hand skills

Theme Ideas for Container:

  • Holidays
  • Educational
  • Seasonal

You can use any small objects that can fit in the container. Be creative and search the house. This activity is customizable or adaptable for any individual.