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Hearing Health & Cold Weather

Older couple running in the snowIt’s cold out there, what can I do to protect my hearing and hearing aids?

Here are some helpful tips!

  • Keep your hearing aid clean and free of debris.
    • Inspect your battery compartments, ear molds, tubing, microphone covers, and wax guards regularly.
  • Wear your hearing aids to keep your brain stimulated and avoid isolation.
    • The recommended amount of usage is at least eight hours per day.
  • Make sure your hearing aids are kept dry.
    • You can do this by wiping your devices dry or place them in a dehumidifying container overnight, but be sure to remove your batteries!
  • Protect your ears and hearing aid devices from the cold wind and snow.
    • You can still get ear infections during the winter months, make sure to keep your ears dry and treat ear infections to avoid causing hearing loss.
    • Excess moisture can also damage your hearing aids.
  • Keep an extra pack of batteries and cleaning tools with you, especially when travelling. 

"In the winter, we often see an increase in the number of people who develop congestion due to colds and other upper respiratory issues,” Dr. Lindsay Bondurant, director of the Pennsylvania Ear Institute, said. “If someone is concerned that their ears feel more 'plugged up' than usual, they should make an appointment to see their audiologist to have the problem evaluated."