The Fourth of July is right around the corner and for many that means concerts, backyard barbecues, pool parties, vacations – and of course fireworks. While fireworks are a fun-filled finale to any Independence Day celebration, the dazzling display in the sky can have a damaging effect on your hearing.
The potential for hearing damage is determined not only by the loudness level (in decibels) of sound, but also by the length of time someone is exposed to noise: 90 decibels can be tolerated for eight hours; 95 decibels for four hours; 100 decibels for just two hours.
According to the American Academy of Audiology, noise levels from fireworks can reach more than 140 decibels. Exposure to noise levels this high can be painful to the ears and very dangerous for both children and adults.
“Children are especially at risk. The earlier their exposure to excessively loud noises, the more likely they will develop a hearing problem,” said Dr. Lindsay Bondurant, director of the Pennsylvania Ear Institute (PEI).
Fortunately, there are steps you can take for the whole family to prevent long-term damage:
If you suspect you or a loved one may have some degree of hearing damage, PEI offers comprehensive hearing evaluations and individualized treatment plan options.
PEI can also help you #gEARUpforSummer and protect your ears all season long with custom hearing protection including swim plugs, sleeping plugs and ear plugs. For more information on PEI’s services or to make an appointment, call 215.780.3180.