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What to Expect: A Comprehensive Exam at PEI

Hearing exam at PEIPatients who receive a comprehensive hearing exam at the Pennsylvania Ear Institute (PEI) can rest assured they are receiving the highest quality care from specialists in the field. As the clinical facility for Salus University’s Osborne College of Audiology, the staff, doctors and audiology interns utilize some of the latest technology available to ensure all of your hearing issues are addressed properly. 

Here’s what most patients can expect when they come to PEI:

Finding our office

PEI is located on the Elkins Park campus of Salus University in the Breyer Office Park Building. Patients can park in any spot labeled “Breyer Office Park” or any available spot on campus. There are two entrances to the building – one is on the right side of the fountain as you face the school; the other is located around the side of the building, closest to Township Line Road. Our office is located on the first floor of the building; there is an “Audiology” sign outside the door.

Directions to our location

Checking in for your appointment

When you enter our office, please check in with the front desk. They will record that you are present and you will complete paperwork prior to your appointment. Please have your insurance information readily available. Then, you will wait until your name is called and a licensed audiologist and an audiology intern will bring you back to the exam room.

During your appointment

PEI is first and foremost a clinical training facility for doctor of audiology students at Salus University. As a result, most tests are performed by the audiology intern. The student is in his or her second year (of a four year program) and has had intensive training prior to performing your exam. The student is also under the supervision  of a professional, credentialed doctor throughout each exam. Other students may be present to observe as well.

The audiology intern will ask you questions about your medical history, how you would judge your hearing in certain environments and your current hearing and balance concerns/issues.  Then, they will examine the inside and outside of both ears, looking for any abnormalities.

Next, you will be escorted into a sound proof booth. The audiology intern will fit you with either over-the-ear headphones or in-the-ear insert earphones and provide a button which you will use during testing. The intern will close the door and return to the other side of the booth, where there is a control panel and a window so you can see and communicate with both the audiologist and intern.  

A variety of tests will be conducted to determine which sound levels you can hear. During some of the tests, the audiologist and intern will ask you to press a button when you hear a sound or to repeat the words you hear. The sounds will be played at various pitches and frequencies to determine your hearing levels

After your exam

Once all testing is completed, the audiologist and audiology intern will review the results with you, answer any questions you may have, and discuss an individualized treatment plan. If it’s determined that a hearing aid would assist you in communication, the audiologist will walk you through the various products available and discuss which one would suit you best.

At PEI, we strive to help those with hearing loss reconnect to the world around them. Our comprehensive hearing exams thoroughly test a spectrum of hearing abilities and focus on finding a hearing solution that works best for you.

Schedule an Appointment