Running parallel with the University's strategic planning efforts, a well-planned, deliberate strategy to define what Salus is - realistically and authentically - was begun in June 2014. The process, which involved countless hours of planning, meetings, surveys and focus groups, has been long but fruitful. Consistently, one over-riding theme was heard in all the research: Salus is unique in our faculty and students, our size and our shared vision. We are connected in many ways, not the least of which is our inter-collaborative environment - from our interprofessional education, interdisciplinary training opportunities to our student government.
The results of those many hours of discussion, focus groups and surveys? A new logo and "brand" that showcases that overriding theme of inter-connectivity heard time and again. The new look, tweaked and chosen by all who participated, is fresh and solid, a modern style that showcases a stronger, more powerful voice in the market that positions Salus as the unprecedented leader in health science post-graduate education. You will see this clearly in the new website, which will launch in May, our marketing materials, stationery and campus signage. The Spring 2015 Alumni Magazine will have more information and samples of what to expect.
To all of our faculty, students, alumni and staff who gave their thoughtful opinions, asked the provocative questions that opened the debate, willingly spent their time in meetings and focus groups, and who responded to our surveys, thank you! The resulting changes you will begin to see soon are due to your efforts - and the University-community collaboration during this process could not more clearly illustrate precisely what makes Salus unique.