How Often Should I Have My Eyes Examined?

When, why and how often an individual should have their eyes examined depends on a number of factors. Age, race, medical history, family history, occupation and other risk factors all impact when and how often eye examinations should occur. The following represents the recommendations of the American Optometric Association for regular eye care for patients with and without risk factors.

Age                            No Symptoms/Risk Factors                      Risk Factors                                 
Examination Interval
Birth - 24 months By six months of age By six months of age or as recommended
Two - five years old At three years of age At three years of age or as recommended
Six - 18 years old Before first grade & every two years thereafter Annually or as recommended
18-40 years old Every two to three years Every one to two years or as recommended
41 - 60 years old Every two years Every one to two years or as recommended
61 years old & older Annually Annually or as recommended

Infant Risk Factors:

  • Born prematurely with low birth weight
  • Birth mother with rubella, venereal disease, AIDS-related infection or history of substance abuse or other health related problems
  • Family history of eye disease, crossed eyes or congenital eye problems

School-Aged Children Risk Factors:

  • Failing to progress academically or exhibiting reading or learning difficulties